Forschungsvereinigung Räumliche Elektronische Baugruppen 3-D MID e.V.
+49 911 5302 9 9100
+49 911 5302 9 9102
Computer Man Member area

IGF-Project 19230 N – ActivePower


Development of a ceramic injection molded 3D circuit carrier for contacting and integration of power electronics by means of low-resistance active solder.


Objective: Development of methods and the possibility of introducing active solder-based electrical conductor paths into ceramic injection-moulded structures, which can be used to contact and integrate power electronic components.

Research institutes and contact persons

For further contact details, please contact the office. E-Mail to office


Institute for Production Science (wbk)

Elisa Goetze

Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe, GER


Institute for Applied Materials – Applied Materials Physics (IAM-AWP)

Dr. Magnus Rohde

Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe,GER


Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS)

Thomas Stoll

Fuerther Straße 246b
90429 Nuremberg, GER

2022 © Research Association Mechatronic Integrated Devices 3-D MID e.V.




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